Bridging Generations | Colliers Croft & Legh Vale Primary School | Care Homes in St Helens

Bridging Generations | Colliers Croft & Legh Vale Primary School | Care Homes in St Helens

April marks #CelebratingSocialCare month, as coined by Skills for Care. Here at Highpoint Care, we celebrate social care everyday with our wonderful carers at Care Homes in Liverpool and St Helens.

One of the most important things to consider when caring for the elderly is making each day enjoyable. We’ve been working on bridging the gap between generations at our care home, Colliers Croft. Without social care, this would be a difficult task. Have a read about our recent day with Legh Vale Primary School.

In a world where generational gaps seem to widen with each passing day, there’s something incredibly special about bringing together the young and the old.

Recently, at Colliers Croft, we have been liaising with our local school Legh Vale. On their recent visit the children greeted us with warm smiles, daffodils, and beautiful handmade cards. The atmosphere amongst our residents when the children arrived was a joy to behold and an afternoon of shared activities was had by all.

The children sang to us and the residents’ faces lit up as they listened to familiar tunes, enjoying the memories those songs brought to them.

One of the highlights of the visit was a spirited game of bingo, where young and old alike eagerly competed for the prizes on offer. It was heartening to witness the sheer delight on the faces of both generations as they cheered each other on.

Research has shown that such activities can have a multitude of benefits for both the elderly and the young. For our residents these visits provide a sense of purpose and companionship and the presence of energetic, curious young children in the Home was a delight to all. Likewise, the children benefit immensely from these encounters.

Beyond the educational value of learning about empathy, compassion, and respect for the elderly, these visits enable the children to develop a deeper understanding of our older generation helping them to develop valuable life skills.

Through these shared experiences and mutual appreciation, both the young and the old gain a newfound sense of connection.

As we said our goodbyes and exchanged heartfelt hugs, it became abundantly clear that this intergenerational interaction was a tremendous success and will be a regular part of our planned activities.


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