Part Time (17.5hrs) 3 days on, 3 days off. Earlies and Lates.
Please do not apply if you require Sponsorship, we have now assigned all our allocated licenses.
Part Time (17.5hrs) 3 days on, 3 days off. Earlies and Lates.
£12.23 - £12.52 (Quarter for overtime, Double for bank holidays).
42 Hours | 3 nights on 3 nights off
£11.92 - £12.28 p/hour (Quarter for overtime, Double for bank holidays).
36 hrs. Rota to be put in place by the Home Manger.
£13.11 per hour
3 days on, 3 days off (42-hour contract) Double time bank holidays and overtime rates
£11.92 - £12.28 p/hour (Quarter for overtime, Double for bank holidays).
42 hrs. 8am - 8pm (3 on 3 off)
£12.23 - £12.52 (Quarter for overtime, Double for bank holidays).
42 Hours | 3 nights on 3 nights off
£13.45 per hour (Quarter for overtime, Double for bank holidays)
42 hours (3 on 3 off)